Biery, music director of Most Holy Trinity Roman Catholic Church in Wallingford. ''It opened up tremendous possibilities,'' said James R. The trend spread to Protestant churches, not entirely to the delight of purists who preferred string quartets and works by Palestrina. Services were opened to performances by guitar-playing teen-agers, sing-alongs, and other nontraditional musical activities. The growing diversity in church music, according to musicians of several denominations, is the result of Vatican II, when the Latin mass was declared no longer obligatory in the Roman Catholic Church, and a more populist, participatory kind of music was encouraged. They said interest in Baroque music, long acknowledged as king, was slipping. The Toccata is increasing in popularity as interest in Romanticism grows, said many church organists. By the time he died in 1937 at the age of 93, he had written 10 organ symphonies and other works. His development of the organ symphony as a musical form carved a unique place in music history. Sulpice's organ, built by Cavaille-Coll, had five keyboards, giving it a massive range equal to that of a symphony orchestra. He stayed for 64 years, teaching, among others, Marcel Dupre and Louis Vierne, as well as playing and composing. Sulpice in Paris, the church of Cesar Franck. Widor, the son and grandson of organ builders, was appointed in 1870 to a provisional post as organist at St. ''It's very festive, very affirmative, uplifting - second only to the Toccata and Fugue in D Minor by Bach,'' he said. Lowell Lacey, director of music at the Second Congregational Church in Greenwich, has played the Toccata at Easter for 15 years. The Hallelujah Chorus and the Toccata evoke powerful emotional responses associated with resurrection and exhilaration. ''It has come to be the piece that people expect on Easter Day.'' ''I have people who come to me and ask about it if I don't play it,'' said Larry Allen, organist and music director at Immanuel Congregational Church in Hartford. Listeners may not remember Widor's name, but they do not forget his Toccata. Widor was a late 19th- and early 20th-century French organist and composer of great ability, but his output and fame are minimal when compared with Handel's. If you believe that any review contained on our site infringes upon your copyright, please email us.THE joy of Easter Day, following the solemnity of Holy Week, has its most familiar musical expression in two works: the Hallelujah Chorus from Handel's ''Messiah,'' and the Toccata, or final movement, of the Fifth Symphony for organ by Charles-Marie Widor.